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Budgeting your monthly expenses in order to get the greatest return on your income (and perhaps, even put aside some for saving!) doesn’t have to be extremely hard.
Various budgeting programs are available for use. Money management programs provide you with a usual package that allows you to enter your cash inflows and outflows, categorizes your expenditures, and at times, presents to you analysis of your spending behavior. Through these programs you can also input the various payments you have to make monthly, and subsequently track if you’ve paid your dues on time. Moreover, some programs also offer you a tax form draft that will help you make sure you’re not missing out on any dues or any deductibles, for that matter.
Another budgeting tool that you can utilize are coupons. Various stores and magazines contain coupons that you can use to get discounts on various products. Should there be a need to purchase a particular product for which you have a coupon for, you will end up saving a fraction of what you might have had to spend on a regular purchase.
Lists—whether on a piece of paper, on your cellular phone, or on your personal digital assistant (PDA) will help you keep focused on what you have to buy, and in effect, keep track of the purchases you make. A classic example is your regular grocery trip. Prior to making the trip, plan out the week’s entire menu and identify what food items and materials you need to purchase that are unavailable in your pantry. Then, make a list of other household items that you’ve run out of (or are eventually going to run out of before you can make the next trip to the grocery). Armed with these lists, you can go to the grocery and know exactly where to go and what you’re going to buy. Without these lists, you will walk idly along aisles, and will likely pick up various food items that you won’t likely need in the immediate future, or already have at home.
A filing system is perhaps one of the best budgeting tools you can have in your home. With simple, labeled file folders, you can put together your bills, your receipts, and whatever bank documents are issued to you when you save or pay. By putting together your bills, your credit card receipts, and the like, you are able to keep track of how much you owe and when your payments are due.
Effective budgeting tools are those that best address your needs as a consumer. Create your own budgeting tool or find a program to do it for you—just make sure it suits your lifestyle.
There is nothing like an impending crisis to make you realize how much you take for granted.
hurricane season, self help, advice, hurricane rita, vickie milazzo
Article Body:
As the hurricane season looms and I think about the tragedy and devastation of the 2005 hurricane season, I can’t help but realize how much we take for granted.
It’s easy to appreciate life when things are going great. And as the distance of time separates me from the last hurricane season, I realize how easy it is to stop appreciating the simple and most important things in life – a drink of water, my husband’s smile.
Why is it that we lose sight of these things until a crisis brings them into sharp focus? My mom’s untimely death from breast cancer made me face my own mortality. At age 35 I scheduled my first breast biopsy. When I learned that everything was fine I was grateful for every breath I took.
There is nothing like an impending crisis to make you realize how much you take for granted. During the evacuation prior to Hurricane Rita, I closed my company and, like many of my friends, collected those belongings essential to my life (it’s amazing how few really are essential) and packed them into our car. My husband Tom and I took what may have been one last look at our home and drove away from almost all of our material items.
As we drove to a safer haven away from Houston, then returned just 32 hours later, I realized how much I take for granted. Things that were in short supply before we evacuated were now almost impossible to find after we returned: canned soup, canned meats, bottled water – even fresh fruit. Almost all the gas stations, restaurants and movie theaters were closed. I realized how grateful I am for all these things. Something as simple as electricity to run my fridge and air conditioner is now on my appreciation list. How fantastic it was to be able to sleep in my bed upon my return to my intact home and how comfortable it seems now. My office, my staff and my friends here in Houston are also high on my appreciation list.
Now almost a year later, with everything back to normal, I know that mindful awareness and appreciation of every delicious morsel of life is harder. Nevertheless, last year’s hurricane season did teach me one important lesson – it’s not good enough to celebrate and appreciate only the best things in life. Now I remind myself to find joy and power in the mundane, simple and routine things.
In honor of all of those people affected one way or another by hurricane seasons, join me in making all of your life your best every day.
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